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At this meeting, they plan joint worship events, such as the Good Friday Walk of Witness, the Town Carol Service, the Women’s World Day of Prayer and the Christian Unity week service.
They also organise the Lent Lunches, Christian Aid collections and support a variety of ecumenical outreach services and events, such as the Foodbank, the Tenterden Community Hub and the Dementia Café.
More News:
Confession. Fr Behr is available for Confession every Saturday from 10.30 am – 11.00 am. He is also happy to visit those who are not able to come to church.
Children’s Liturgy: Children’s Liturgy at the 10.00 am Mass is on the first Sunday of every month. All children who have not made their First Holy Communion are welcome to attend. The next lesson with Lorraine is on Sunday 2 February.
Sat 18 January: Vigil Mass at 6.00 pm.
Sun 19 January : Mass at 10.00 am followed by Traditional Latin Mass at 12.00 noon.
Mon 20 January: Mass at 10.00 am.
Tue 21 January: Mass at 10.00 am.
Wed 22 January: Word and Communion
Thu 23 January: Adoration at 9am followed by Mass at 10am
Fri 24 January: Mass at 10am followed by Rosary and Holy Hour of Adoration
Sat 25 January: Vigil Mass at 6.00 pm.
Sun 26 January: Mass at 10.00 am followed by Traditional Latin Mass at 12.00 noon.