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Unfortunately, at the moment the choir and organist are still unable to lead services; plans are being developed for the future.
Music has always played an important part in the liturgy at St Andrew’s. There has been a choir at least since the building of the present church in 1935 when a choir gallery was included in the design.
The Sunday 10.30am Mass usually has the most musical content, being led by an organist, a four-part choir and a team of four cantors. The Credo is sung in Latin at noon on Sundays.
The church has a fine two-manual Viscount digital organ, installed in May 2008 with a custom-designed stop list. It is a versatile instrument, ideal for liturgical accompaniment and for playing the full range of organ repertoire.
For information about any aspect of the music at our church please Contact Us
More News:
Confession. Fr Behr is available for Confession every Saturday from 10.30 am – 11.00 am. He is also happy to visit those who are not able to come to church.
Children’s Liturgy: Children’s Liturgy at the 10.00 am Mass is on the first Sunday of every month. All children who have not made their First Holy Communion are welcome to attend. The next lesson with Lorraine is on Sunday April 6.
Sat 29 March: Vigil Mass at 6.00 pm.
Sun 30 March: Mass at 10.00 am followed by Traditional Latin Mass at 12.00 noon
Mon 31 March: Mass at 10am followed by Stations of the Cross
Tue 1 April: Mass at 10am
Wed 2 April: Word and Communion with Station of the Cross
Thu 3 April: Adoration and Rosary at 9am followed by Mass at 10am
Fri 4 April: Mass at 10am followed by Rosary and Holy Hour of Adoration
Sat 5 April: Vigil Mass at 6.00 pm.
Sun 6 April: Mass at 10.00 am followed by Traditional Latin Mass at 12.00 noon