A Very Warm Welcome to St Andrew’s Catholic Church, Tenterden

“We wish all visitors to this website and to the parish church, every peace and joy. We are a lively, richly diverse and very welcoming parish of the Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark. We extend pastoral care to those living in and around the Tenterden area, including the rural areas within a 6-mile radius. Please come and join in our celebrations or for some quiet time in the midst of this busy world.”

Fr Behruz Rafat, Parish Priest


Latest Newsletter

March 27, 2025 | 10:40 am
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Father Behr writes:

Dear Parishioners,

Holy Week

It’s always worth planning ahead. Holy Week will soon come around.

Have you ever experienced the Easter Triduum? This Jubilee year could be a great opportunity.

The Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Maundy Thursday 17 April is at 7.30pm with an opportunity to keep vigil with our Lord till 10pm.

Good Friday Passion of the Lord Service 18 April at 3pm.

Easter Vigil Saturday 19 April at 8.30pm.

The Sacred Triduum is demanding but really worthwhile.

On Easter Sunday 20 April we have Mass at 8.30am and 10am.

We also have a Good Friday Witness at 10am gathering outside Zion Baptist church with Christians from our local area.

Let’s make this a really special time for our parish during this Jubilee year in thanksgiving for all Our Lord has done for us.


During Lent we can grow in faith and deepen our relationship with Our Lord.

There is something extra for every day of the week during Lent here at St Andrew:

       Monday             Stations of the Cross                                   10.30am

      Tuesday             Coffee Morning with a Film from             10.30am

      Wednesday      Stations of the Cross after the Word and Communion service

      Thursday           Adoration and Rosary                                from 9am

       Friday               Adoration and Rosary                                from 10.30am


Fr Behr


Fr Behr’s Thoughts for the Week